
Stockings for the Grandparents

We are thrilled that my parents (a.k.a. Mimi & Papa) will be spending Christmas Eve with US this year! We've spend years now rush, rush, rushing around from this house to that, and haven't once spent the night at our own house on Christmas Eve. And, now with Ross . . . well, we just felt like we needed to make a change.

Anyway, with Mimi & Papa here this year, we of course, needed a few more stockings!
I found these green stockings at Target.

I printed out an "M" and "P" from Word . . .

then traced it using a Sharpie directly on top of a section of freezer paper.
(Be aware you'll be putting the shiny side against your fabric.)

Once you've traced your letter, you'll see a slight imprint from the Sharpie bleeding through on the freezer paper. Using an Xacto knife, carefully cut out your stencil on the freezer paper.

Next, iron the stencil to your fabric (shiny side down) and carefully paint over the stencil.

Once it dries, peel the freezer paper away.

Linked up to: Nifty Thrifty Things, C.R.A.F.T. , Homemaker on a Dime, Making the World Cuter, Everything Under the Moon, The Girl Creative, Lines Across my Face, Centsational GirlSassy Sites, A La ModeChef in Training, Not Just a Housewife, Sugarbee CraftsThe Thrifty Home, JAQS StudioBlue Cricket Design, Uncommon, Clean & ScentsibleOrganize & Decorate Everything, Someday Crafts, Bacon TimeSouthern Lovely, 733, The Artsy Girl ConnectionHouse of Hepworths, Mess for Less, Saved By Love CreationsBetween U and Me, The Shabby Creek Cottage, The Crafty Nest, Sassy Sites, Finding Fabulous, Nifty Thrifty Things, Everything Under the Moon, Design Dazzle, Ninth & Bird, Funky Junk Interiors, Too Much Time On My Hands, Tatertots & Jello


  1. Very cute! I've never used freezer paper but now I'm very interested!

  2. these stockings are darling!
    I always forget which side down thanks for the tute

  3. Love your green stockings and your thrifty way of monogramming them!

  4. Making your own stencil rocks! Would love love love for you to share this at our party going on now http://space46.blogspot.com/2011/12/co-hosting-pinteresting-link-party-week.html. Happy holiday!


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