
Step 1: Build a Frame

I'm still truckin' in the playroom.
I'm afeared this playroom project is taking longer than expected.
Nevertheless, my mind's always racing- thinking about it...so bare with me.

I found this old bulletin board at a Goodwill for $2.99...and these scrap pieces of wood at a local thrift store for less than 2 bucks. (But let me just add, in some thrift stores, they'll give it away!)

(A surprising TWIST here...a sweet and handsome helper jumped in to make this post even better.)
Step 1. Measure and mark the scrap pieces.
(The board is 24 in. x 36 in. I wanted to stagger the wood, which meant we needed to make the long pieces 33 in. and the short pieces 21 in.)

Step 2. Cut.
(If you don't have a jigsaw, get one. They are fabulous.)

Step 3. Glue.
(We used "Gorilla" Wood Glue, and it worked like a charm!)

Step 4. Clamp.
(Sorry people, but you gotta do it. If you don't have any, your neighbor does.)

We left the clamps on for about an hour or so. The glue dries remarkably fast. After that, I laid it flat over night.

You might have noticed the title read "Step 1"...which means, there's more to come with this...

Linked up HERE.


  1. Great idea! I can't wait to see step 2. I stopped by from homemaker on a dime and am your newest follower :)


  2. This turned out really cool! I might have to make one for my office!

  3. So funny, I came by because I linked a very similar project to the Before and After Party at TDC, too! Haha! http://arlingtonmama.blogspot.com/2012/07/diy-frames-for-canvas.html I love your idea to do it on a bulletin board, though! You might just make a thrifter out of me. ;) Love your blog design. Super cute.

  4. this project probably brought back some old memories of building frames for the pottery for grady... perhaps that's why he so eagerly jumped in to help... he wanted to relive his glory days :)

  5. Thanks for sharing! Love this!
    New Follower - Misty @ http://monkeysandtutus.blogspot.com

  6. We have tons of wood because we just took down a HUGE set of bookcases in our great room to put new flooring in! I could make hundreds of frames! Thanks for the great tips and ideas!

  7. Can't wait to see more. I love upcycled thrifty-ness.


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