
Our Fall Porch

I guess I've never talked too much about my college days...
Man, what I would give to go back...just for a night...*sigh*

Thank goodness, God gave us memories.

Anyway, during graduate school I lived in this fabulous apartment right downtown. Close by, was a strip of old beautiful houses I used to walk past in the afternoons. There was one house inparticular that I used to consistently swoon over...not because of it's extravagant size or beautiful woodwork, but because of it's front door.

Clearly they had children, because weekly they proudly displayed a giant, new piece of artwork designed by their kids on their bold, blue door.
Up and down the walk, wreath after wreath after wreath...and then, masterpiece.
I envied it.

Which brings me to this...
Yes, a smiliar project to what I found here (and one that brought me back to my kindergarten teacher days, coincidentally)...

but that's not the point.

The point is, I've come to realize...
a wreath will never be me.

Something different, is.

(Note: that fabulous banner you see came from these fine ladies!)


  1. i luv it! i'm going to be a copy cat!

  2. Such a great idea! - makes me wish my kids were small again - I might just have to sift through some of their old masterpieces - thanks for sharing!

  3. This is such a great idea! I'm not the typical wreath kinda gal either and this is amazing. Thanks so much!


  4. CUTE!!! I think I need one of those for our kitchen!!!

  5. Love your fall porch! Such a cute canvas painting. New Follower.


  6. yes, those college years WERE fun! and your apartment WAS fabulous... especially with the lovely neighbors downstairs :)

    1. Hahaha! I'd forgotten abt them! I wonder what they're up to these days!?!? :)

  7. I hear you... I'm not a wreath either...

    But this? I could go for this...

  8. I love the color of your door. Do you happen to remember the name of the paint?!


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