
"Antiqued" Labels

Well, she got me thinkin'...
Why not try labels?

So, I soaked them in coffee and baked them in the oven just like she described (although, only for 5-10 minutes since they're much smaller).

Then, lightly ironed them.

They sure would be cute Christmas present lables...or maybe even storage container labels...

but, I have something else in mind...


  1. Those are really great! I'll have to try that technique.

  2. Ohhh, ahhh - beautiful! The coffee added just the right amount of vintage too, just lovely!

  3. You know I had to pin this just to remind me to do it.


  4. I've done this before, and you just reminded me how much I loved it! I think I may have used tea for my tags though, so I will have to try the coffee! So fun!

  5. Oh my stars!! I just bought a pack of these last weekend to use on Christmas presents, and wanted to stain them but wasn't quite sure how. Your post couldn't have been more timely :) Love your blog!


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