
American Dream Cottages

I thought I'd start off the week with something pretty exciting...
Not sure if you've ran across the latest issue of American Dream Cottages or not...and well, if you did, maybe you'd recognize a certain someone's house...

Believe me, I was surprised too. This has almost been a year in the making...but I'm still overwhelmed reading through the 8 page spread. Never, in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd open up a magazine and see my house...never.

I'm serious.

Happy Monday, thrifters!


  1. Wow, wow, wow. I haven't seen the magazine yet, but that is super exciting. Congrats to you.

  2. Congratulations! That is huge!

  3. That's so exciting! It looks like a great article (judging by the photos...if that's anything to judge by :)

  4. How awesome! Great to have you back! I haven't heard of this mag...if its similar to Cottage Living, ill be hooked!!!

  5. Congratulations! I'm googling that magazine right now- it looks great.

  6. I sat down with this issue in Hastings and saw your spread - recognized it right away - it is soooo great! Congratulations!

  7. Thanks so much, guys! I'm still in disbelief!!

  8. Wow! Congratulations!!! So exciting for you!!!

  9. AWESOME!!! Oh my gosh, congratulations!!

  10. Hello. I picked up the magazine this weekend and was so surprised to see a layout of a house here in Lexington -- my town, too, and now a new blog to keep up with. You've done a great job. -- Michele

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