

Now. Let me first start by saying: thrifting online is a convenience. There's no picking or plundering. There's no dirt or hand sanitizer. There's no crying baby or loud tantrums. The dirty work has already been done.

Nope. Thrifting online allows you to sit down...in a cozy chair and drink your wine iced tea. You can happily oversee your children watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse"...and quietly click on a mouse.
It's blissful...It's heavenly...
It's costly.

I'll just be honest. If you haven't figured it out already, be prepared to pay for this convenience. Never will you find a crocheted aphgan for $2...or a vintage chalkboard for $1...or an aqua Le Creuset pot for $4. And, if you do, you better e-mail me right away.

With that said, I've still done it. Because, let's face it, you can pretty much find anything online. And, if you're pressured for time, you do whatcha gotta do.
So....here are my go-to's:

1. Craigslist (okay, pretty obvious.)
2. ebay (another no brainer.)
3. etsy
8. Notnu (only clothes/accessories)
11. thredUP (only clothes/accessories)
12. mieux & mieux (only clothes/accessories)
13. Three potato Four (pricey, but really cool stuff)


  1. Great post! I have not heard of most of these online thrift stores, going to have to check them out! Thanks!

  2. Great post. I've shopped at Goodwill online. And, you're right. It's not the bargain you'll get doing the legwork in your community, but online shopping has its place. I'm sharing this on my Once Upon A Firefly FB post. Thanks.

  3. Wow!! que new addiction, thanks for sharing

  4. I did not realize until recently that you could sell thrifted (unaltered) items on etsy. I thought of it as strictly handmade items. Did they change their policy from what it started out as?

    1. I'm not sure if they've changed their policy or not, but there sure are some fun finds there! ;)

  5. Hey - thanks for the shout out ~ I'm Crystal the owner of Shop Thrift Planet! Very cool Blog. ; )

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