
The Big Girl Bed

This really was a quick transition. Since I knew I was keeping the alphabet wall, I didn't need a big bulky headboard. In fact, you can see there's no headboard at all. I simply bought a metal frame (from the thrift store at about $15) and put our existing mattress on top. This worked out wonderful for a transitioning toddler, especially since they are typically very low to the ground.

You already know I scored the quilt and the vintage sheet at local thrift stores and kept the pillows from the old guest room.

Mind you, it certainly doesn't always look this tidy, but I'd imagine we've got time to work on that aspect of the transition...


  1. LOVE it! the colors are SO fun!

  2. So fun and happy!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  3. neither of my boys have headboards -posters instead that way when tastes change their room can change easily with them.

  4. LOVE that white-quilt-base-with-funky-quilt-on-top look...

    Can I ask where the white quilt cover came from?


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