
Would you paint a lampshade?

So, maybe you remember the little nightlight lamp from Ross's room...that I was not all too thrilled about...?

Well, a while ago I happened to salvage this left over paint sample from Home Depot for 50 cents. I stashed it along side the rest of my paint rescues and hadn't thought much about it since. 
Until...my lamp. 

Granted, it's not fabric paint...and the shade is clearly fabric...
But, hell. Why not?

So, I did it.

And, it worked.

Slowly but surely turning this gender neutral room into a big GIRL room.


  1. I've heard of doing this but I wondered if it blocked a lot of light? Does that make sense? Does the shade not allow light through it, only around it, with the paint?

  2. Wow - now I know exactly what to do about a plain white shade I have for the new spare bedroom...(: I had a freebie sample of Behr paint in a shade I loved, but just a little bit of it. I love when stuff works out like that!

  3. I've done it several times - even with spray paint and it works wonderfully! At least on the 4 I've done it on.

  4. Has anyone ever tried them in white?

  5. I recently painted a black lampshade cream and it worked out beautifully.

  6. It may block more light than it originally put out, but not enough to make a huge difference. My little one hadn't complained a bit! :)

  7. Aren't you worried that the incorrect kind of paint could be a fire risk?


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