
The Button Pillow

Last week I was watching Ross pounce on this green button pillow and it dawned on me that I haven't talked about this project on the blog before. I made this years ago...the first year we moved in the house, in fact...and before I had even started this blog. So, I'm sad to say I don't have pictures of the project in process. However, I'm happy to reveal exactly what I did...

I found this old green pillow while thrifting with a friend one time at one of our local shops. I was immediately drawn to the velvety material and round shape. After I got it home and washed it, I started experimenting with it. I gathered up all my orange and yellow buttons and started placing them on the pillow cover in the shape of an "M." Using fabric glue, I glued each button down exactly where I liked it. Once it dried, I sewed the buttons on with embriodery thread. Later, I lightly hand drew the "M" outline with a pencil and sewed over my pencil marks with the same orange embroidery thread.

It really was a relatively simple project. The extra button sewing took a few extra minutes, but it brings me comfort when I see a certain little girl throwing it around the room...


  1. I LOVE THIS!! I'm totally stealing this idea for a purple guest bedroom pillow just like yours! Thanks for the great idea!!

  2. I'm MAKING this...:) thanks

  3. I love this button idea! You had a nice style and such creativity. I am nominating your for the Leibster Award! I think your blog is great. https://kateythompson79.wordpress.com


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