
DIY Glittery Globe Lights

I had these globe lights (from Target) that I have adored the past several years...and was devestated when the lights blew.

They sat for several months...until it occurred to me that the globes could easily be removed and put on another strand.
Not only that, but they opened up, almost like a Christmas ornament...

I ran across these shiny paper pieces at Hobby Lobby...

 set up my filling station...

and dumped it in.

I put the tops back on and repositioned the globes on a new stand of lights.

A 20 minute project...tops.
Seriously excited about these.


  1. I've never seen those before! They're super cute!


  2. Once sources of light, each fragile globe underwent a transformation, embracing a whole new identity. This was accomplished by the treasures at Hobby Lobby turning potential waste into a triumphant DIY affair. It is similar to breathing life into forgotten relics during the crafting journey which is an expression of the resilience of creativity.

    As creativity reigns supreme, be prepared for more stories on metamorphosis and smart fixes.

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    چه گياهاني به آب بيش تر نياز دارند؟
    گياهان گلدار
    گياهاني که در گلدان هاي گِلي کاشته شده اند. چيکار کنم گلهام زود رشد کند چون گلدان گِلي منافذ بيش تري دارد و آب زودتر از آن خارج مي شود.
    گياهاني که در گلدان کوچک کاشته شده اند.
    گياهاني که رشد سريعي دارند.
    گياهاني که مدت زيادي در مقابل نور خورشيد قرار دارند.
    گياهاني که برگ هاي بزرگ يا نازک دارند.
    چه گياهاني به آب کم تر نياز دارند؟
    گياهاني که به مرحله ي استراحت وارد شده اند.
    گياهاني که به تازگي گلدان شان عوض شده است.
    گياهاني که در هواي مرطوب قرار دارند.
    گياهاني که در محل خنک نگهداري مي شوند.
    گياهاني که برگ هاي ضخيم و چرمي دارند.


Comments make me smile! :)