
I think I may have a problem...

What do you know? 
I somehow found another crocheted blanket this week.

Really, they're just so pretty...I can't contain myself.
And, each new one I find seems to be prettier than the last.

I definitely have a problem.

(P.S. there's six more in the house that aren't shown here...)


  1. right there with you...piles of thrifted afghans everywhere!

  2. My newborn daughter has two handmade afghans and I find myself matching her outfits to the blankets when we go places! Now that's a problem! :)

  3. They're gorgeous! I totally get it. I don't blame you...I have one from 1984 that I cannot live without. I need to learn to make these myself!

  4. Sarah @ Life - is that really a problem? I coordinated all my kids blankies to their clothing....I guess if you don't realize it's a problem, then, it's not?

  5. Ahhhhh! I LOVE crocheted blankets! I inherited tons of them as well as quilts when my grandmother passed so my house is covered in them!! Such cozy beautiful reminders! Your collection looks beautiful by the way!!!

  6. Um, can you please start an Etsy store for some of your "too many" great finds!!! (or shoot me an email, I'll help fund your thrifty problem!)

  7. I still have the one my aunt made for me when I was 12. No problem.

  8. I still have the one my aunt made for me when I was 12. No problem.

  9. I have a lot of afghans too. So many, that they sit in my closet collecting dust. I just don't know what to do with them all.

  10. I've been buying lots of vintage afghans, at garage sales, in the last two years-- $1, $2, maybe $5--it's crazy!

  11. Because I've always gotten them from the thrift store, I've never held back with cleaning them. I immediately put them in the wash on delicate cycle...hot water. I even put them in the dryer...low heat. Some people would NEVER do that, but since they only cost me $4-$5, I don't take any chances...and well, I've never once had any problems when I've done it! Hope that helps!

  12. lucky find!! Also, how do you wash them?


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