
Vintage Ornaments

If you've been to a flea market within the last several years, then you'll know how pricey vintage ornaments have gotten. A bit obsurd, if you ask me. 

So knowing this, I was pretty excited to run across these this week at the thrift store...

for $2.50.



  1. What an awesome find; these are in great condition! Vintage Christmas ornaments are one of my favorite things to find thrifting. A pristine set is always nice, but sometimes I also like finding the well-loved ones that you know have seen many a Christmas. :)

  2. So colorful! WHAT a great find!!!

  3. how whimsical! Love them so much!!! I use to want all of my Christmas decor to be understated and muted colors but lately I'm just loving the BOLD and the statement pieces. THese are great!

  4. Woo-hoo! I've been looking for vintage Christmas items at thrift stores, too. Not necessarily ornaments since we don't put up a tree anymore (empty nesters), plus I already have a ton of ornaments, but decorative items. I've only found one thing - a tiny silver-plated angel holding two candles.


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