
A Thrift Plate Dinner Party

For a while there, you may have seen me scouring the thrift stores for dinner plates. 

As of right now, I have enough to complete
 a small dinner party . . .

but, of course, you know . . . I'm always on the lookout for more . . .

Happy hunting!


  1. holly, i see these plates at my local thrift stores all of the time... in fact, i saw several today... do you want me to grab a few for you? or let you enjoy the hunting for yourself?

  2. Ha! Ha! Only if you see a REALLY fine one! :)

  3. i LOVE thrift store plates. i always want to stock up on them... thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog.
    i am a new follower!
    {love} lauryn @ lovenotesbylauryn.blogspot.com

  4. I remember my Mama having these same plates when I was growing up.. I thought they were so ugly then.. Amazing how much our taste changes in 25 yrs.. They are so prettiful now..


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