
A Simple Christmas Dining Room

Okay, so I didn't go all out in the dining room this year.  But, then again maybe I don't ever . . . 
Anyway, it's been fun to do something a bit different from years past . . . and maybe focus on what Christmas is truly about.

Happy Christmas! 


  1. I don't know how I have missed all of your Christmas posts! Something is WRONG with my Google reader... Everything is A-MAZ-ING! From your light up wreath to you Rug Stockings to your Peace sign on the front door...

  2. i love the simplicity! and those green walls. we just painted our living room the same color or it looks that way:) love your table as well. my hubby wants to make one and im looking for something just like yours. does it fold out larger?

  3. Thank you for your sweet comments! I WISH the table got larger. It has the leaf in it already and that's as far as it will go . . . of course, that's all the space we have! One day however, I'd LOVE to have a GIANT table!

  4. that cork board is dynamite


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