
A Hippy Baby Costume Tutorial (a blast from the past)

If you're a devoted follower, well then, I'm sorry to disappoint you...you've already seen this. However, in my defense, the old tutorial was looking raggedy...so I cleaned up the pictures a bit and started fresh. 
(And, well, more importantly, this is my favorite costume EVER!)

This was my little girl 2 years ago at Halloween . . . our sweet, little hippy baby.
Again, I loved this costume. If it were up to me, I'd put her in it every year for the rest of her life. :) It was cheap. It was easy. And even better, comfortable. It doesn't get much better than that.

You'll need:
1 onesie
1 sheet of card stock 
vintage/goodwill fabric (not much)
iron-on adhesive paper- mainly used for appliques (ask the lady at the sewing store...she'll know.)
brown (or color of choice) rick-rack (for "necklace")
brown (or color of choice) felt sheet or fabric (for peace sign)
goodwill jeans
anything that could be used as a hippy headband

Step 1: Create a pattern out of card stock/poster paper to use for the vest portion.

Step 2: Iron pieces of goodwill fabric to iron-on adhesive paper. (You can find this at any craft store. It's sold in rolls and is great for appliques. If you're confused with how it works, just ask somebody at the store. Don't be ashamed. I had to.) I ironed the paper on before I cut my pattern, because it makes the fabric stiff and easy to cut.

Step 3: Trace and cut your pattern. Peel off the adhesive backing from your iron-on paper and iron it on your onesie. (I sewed around the edges of the vest just to make it look a bit more "finished.")

Step 4: Do the same thing with the peace sign.

Step 5: Sew some rick rack around the neck to act as the "necklace."

Step 6: Peel off the adhesive backing from the back of the peace sign and iron it over the rick rack.

Add a homemade headband and a pair of holey jeans from the Goodwill . . . then, sit back and smile.

I'm still smiling...


  1. Love it! Thanks for showing how you made it happen :)

  2. SO cute!!! (the costume AND sweet baby girl!)

  3. Such a cute costume, love the headband!


Comments make me smile! :)