
Cheap & Easy Wall Art

I'm always looking for something fun for the mantel. So, I decided to try out the engineer print idea floating around Pinterest these days...only add a little something extra!

Here's what I did:

Step 1: Print out the engineer print from a local office supply store. 
Mine cost $2.99 for a 24x36 print. (I found this image here.)

Step 2: Glue it to a surface.
I chose plywood (because, you already know I always have plywood lying around). I'll save you the tutorial on that. There's several good ones out there...like this one or this one.

Step 3: Add some color.
I wasn't opposed to the black and white, but I wanted to highlight it somehow...make it stand out more. I knew it wouldn't do if I painted everything...so instead I merely added a few touches here and there. And, in fact, I found it was best done using my own fingertips.

Step 4: Mod Podge it.
I added a final layer of Mod Podge, just to finish it off.

I'd do it again...especially for $2.99.


  1. love it! will definitely try this out

  2. Oh I love this! I am for sure going to try it out in the near future.

  3. WOW!! I am speechless... it looks amazing!

  4. How can something so simple and inexpensive make such an impact? It looks amazing.

  5. Oh Wow! I love this idea - especially how you added the color into it! What a great idea! This turned out amazing.

  6. so creative! this looks great!

  7. This looks fantastic . Great idea :)

  8. Pinned. Great idea adding the paint, you are so smart.


  9. Your awesome, inexpensive wall art drives me INSANE! I found your record cover art a few months back and made one to go over my bed and absolutely LOVE it! I also collected a bunch of children's record covers to do ne for my boys room as well. And Christmas ones to do a Christmas one.... I got a little carried away! Now I am going to have to try this one as well! LOVE this!

    1. Thanks so much!
      And, how wonderful! I love the idea of using the kid's records! I bet it looks great!

  10. This is amazing. I'm always looking for mantle ideas too! So glad that I happened across your blog on Pintest. I will visit, often, I'm sure. :)

  11. Way too cute! I don't think mine would turn out the same...but that never stopped me from trying before :)

  12. Total rookie question here, but what is "engineer print"? Was this printed on photo paper?

    1. You are not the only one wondering that. I love it though. With as bored as I get with things I love how easily you could change up the look and feel of the room.

  13. Hi Holly, Popping over to say "Hi" because I saw your pumpkins in a crate featured on bhg.com. {My mod-podge pumpkins were also in the slide show.} Your blog is fantastic! I'm enjoying my visit here. Wanted to follow you on Google+, but couldn't find you?

    Warmly, Michelle

  14. Oh my I love it! What a great idea adding the color on the black and white!

  15. love! want to try!

  16. Oil or acrylic paint? Its beautiful

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What kind of paint did you use on this project? Love this idea and can't wait to try it myself!!


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