
Home Tour: The Playroom/Craft Room

It's done.
And, it's maybe even better than I imagined it would be.
I wish I could express to you the happiness this space brings me. To think about what it was before...and now, what it is today. *sigh*

I want to be here.
Ross wants to be here.
It's exactly what we needed.

(The Play Nook)

(a recap)

See a project you're interested in? 
Check out these tutorials from the room:


  1. Love it! Ao bright, colorful, and inspiring!

  2. So cute! I love how it is so bright and inviting, just makes me want to break out the glue and glitter!

  3. You're right, it looks amazing! I never would've thought that painting it white would make such an ENORMOUS difference!

  4. I love it! The colors are wonderful and I'm a girl who loves patterns! I especially like you kiddos reading nook. It's all simple and organized.

  5. What a magnificent change from before to after, wow!! This space looks perfect for a play/craft area!

  6. Looks fabulous! I'm going to hire you to help me when we FINALLY move!! :)

  7. So very "Holly"!! Love it!

  8. I love this space ever so much.
    I sooo wish I had this space!!!

  9. Amazing!!! I love this space so much. Every detail is fantastic. I am feeling so inspired and love the idea of using wire crates to hold material.

  10. the room looks wonderful. love the hangers with fabric (or paper). great job!

  11. Wow - this is cool because it looks good, but looks like you can actually use it, too - and a spot for the WHOLE family, kudos! My favorite is the red bin organizer with the red baskets on top - love!

  12. Awesome. I'll come craft then I challenge you to a game of pool. Looser cleans up.


  13. I spy a gamecock sign in the back of the before picture. :) Though I've hail from gamecock city, I'm a tiger. Hooray for happy finds on the internet! Great after room!

  14. I think I'm moving in ;-)
    Seriously though, you have such a great eye for details. I want to be just like you when I grow up...and I'm pretty sure I'm older than you ;-)
    I just love you blog, I visit it several times a week for inspiration. Keep up the great work.

  15. I love it! I was wondering where you got those awesome teal chairs? I have been looking for something similar for my kitchen. Any help would be AWESOME. I love it all!

  16. Where is the storage unit from?

  17. good site tnx
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    گیاهانی که در گلدان های گِلی کاشته شده اند. انواع فیلودندرون چون گلدان گِلی منافذ بیش تری دارد و آب زودتر از آن خارج می شود.
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    گیاهانی که رشد سریعی دارند.
    گیاهانی که مدت زیادی در مقابل نور خورشید قرار دارند.
    گیاهانی که برگ های بزرگ یا نازک دارند.
    چه گیاهانی به آب کم تر نیاز دارند؟
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    گیاهانی که برگ های ضخیم و چرمی دارند.


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