
EASY Photo Ornaments

Well, I know you remember these from last year...
They're just so simple...and such great gifts...I can't let the season go by without a little recap.

Here's what I did:
Using plain, glass ornaments (or unbreakable...whichever you prefer)...

I simply rolled up my photo and eased it inside.

Now, let me note, you will need to experiment with the size of your photo. I used trial and error- starting large and slowly cutting down to size until it fit the way I wanted. I used a pair of tweezers and a pair of scissors to manuver it around and flatten it out. It took a little practice, so be sure you have extra copies just in case you accidentally tear one while pulling it back out. I found that rolling it back up, then twisting and pulling was the easiest way to get it back out.
Or, if you plan on making a lot of them, try creating a pattern with cardstock first, then cutting your photos the same size.

They've become a bit of a tradition around here...as a way to keep and display each year's Christmas card photo.


  1. This is such a great idea! Where did you buy your glass ornaments? I've looked a lot of different places, but might have to resort to buying online.

    1. I bought these particular ones at a store called "Carolina Pottery." However, if you don't have that store, I have seen them at Hobby Lobby as well...and I bet other craft stores would carry them. Be sure to get the LARGE size! Hope that helps!

  2. love this!! so easy too :)

  3. Great idea! I love photo ornaments. It's so fun to see how the kids have grown each year.

  4. Does anyone know how to get the photo to stay sitting up in ornaments instead of it falling over,and how to get the photo not to wrinkle so bad


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