
The Dollhouse

If you follow the Facebook page, then you may have seen this first pic several weeks ago...and I wish I could tell you it was way easier than it looks...but honestly, it wasn't. My first clues, of course; were the two different price tags hanging above it in Hobby Lobby...

 $99.00 in the box.
 $330.00 assembled.

I'll confess, it probably would have been worth every penny to be assembled.
But, we finally managed to pull it together by Christmas morn...

I'll be back with a few more details on this soon...


  1. perfect!! What a great doll house. Happy New Year Holly.

  2. Hippest doll house I ever did see! I love it!!

  3. I remember my parents buying me one as a kid. My aunt and I worked on it for days trying to put it together. I don't remember ever finishing the house or playing with it. So I can imagine it was a task to put together. Your's turned out great!

  4. Doll houses are so magical. This one looks lots of fun!

  5. Did most of the furnishings come from Hobby Lobby as well?

    1. Most of the wood furniture is from the thrift store...I did need to purchase the bathroom set at Hobby Lobby...I'll post more details next week on that part!

  6. Adorable! LOVE the colors!!! Reminds me of one I worked on for a certain little girl THREE?? years ago??

    1. That's ADORABLE! And those little people are precious!!!

  7. I bought one of those kits about 20 years ago (for myself... no kid involved). I guess it got sold at a yardsale, or donated to the thrift shop, or thrown in the trash. All I remember is that I never got far with it! Congratulations on your success! It's beautiful.

  8. I should have given you all the wooden furniture I have for my old doll house! Don't think we'll be needing it! :) Don't you always wonder why there are no stairs to the 3rd floor? I'm pretty sure mine was that way too! Love it!

  9. My aunt and uncle had an amazing doll house that I would just sit and stare at when I was little. I would love to do this for my little girl when she is older. Just awesome!

  10. I am nearly finished assembling this exact same kit! I really enjoyed seeing how you arranged the furniture. I was really struggling with that in the living room (because of the stairs). I'm doing mine kinda mid-century-ish (I left off the gingerbread trim).


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