
Dollhouse Details: The Kitchen

If you remember from the last post, most of the furniture in the dollhouse came from the thrift store...all of which looked similar to this...

In the kitchen, however, I decided to do a lot of redoing.
For the table I painted the legs white and simply mod podged scrapbook paper on the top.

I painted the kitchen sink, fridge and cabinet white with a black top (in the hopes of resembling a counter top). The chairs and china cabinet were painted aqua and distressed a bit.

The little plates, I bought from Hobby Lobby and outlined with a gold paint pen.
The letter "M" is a magnet I just happened to have.
And the wallpaper is actually wrapping paper from Target that I attached with spray adhesive. (Word to the wise, however; the thicker the paper, the easier the application!)

Check out the whole dollhouse HERE.


  1. This makes me want to buy a dollhouse for myself just so I can paint and decorate it! Keeping my eye out at garage sales now so maybe I can find an inexpensive well-used house I can make pretty. Love the details!

  2. Seriously this stuff is so freaking cute I can't stand it!!!


  3. Did you put the wallpaper on before or after you assembled the house?


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