
Trapped in a pile of mess...

Well, if you've been wondering what's been going on, I'm still here.
In this...

I knew I had some stuff...but it wasn't until I got it all out that I REALLY knew.
Luckily, my parents took the littlest for a couple days so I could get a few things done...all while trying not to get too sentimental...

We still have yet to find a home...and we're out of here tomorrow.
Ha ha.
These are crazy times, people...crazy times.

Stay tuned. I promise I'll get to some good stuff soon.
(Oh and, any prayers for finding "our house," would be greatly appreciated...)


  1. You know, if you REALLY get desperate that 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath fixer upper I was telling you about is still available. :)

  2. Saying a prayer that you find the perfect home for your family.
    Adina @ Simply Country Life

  3. Hang in there! :) Good luck, and I can't wait to see how things turn out when you do find your new home!


  4. sending prayers your way ;)


Comments make me smile! :)