
Right now...

this is where we are.

If you follow me on pinterest, then you've probably already gathered what direction I'm going...

White, white and more white.
A bit of a turn around from our last house, but I'm ready for it.

Those clean, crisp walls are making me beyond excited right now.


  1. If I didn't have 2 wild boys, I'd definitely have white walls! :) LOVE!

    1. Oh girl, that's why they invented Magic Erasers!! 😜

    2. You're right about that! I do have plans on using white in a few places. Just takes me a lot longer than you...ha ha!

  2. I love it! A fellow lover of COLOR, my current walls are similar to your old house, a bold neutral, "Tawny Bisque". If I was moving, I'd do the same thing...all white with pops of color everywhere. I love it! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Speaking of white walls, I have this feeling you will be thrifting with "The Nester" soon! :)


Comments make me smile! :)