
WHAT I'M WORKIN' WITH: the baby's room

Oh my
I'm honestly not quite sure how I managed to acquire so many new belongings over the past 5 years since we last moved...but somehow I did.  It's forced me to make yet another Goodwill pile that has filled up half our garage...because darn it, I refuse to literally move items that have been sitting in one attic to then sit in another. 
It's completely doing me in.

Anyway. With all that being said, most of our stuff is finally out of boxes and sitting ready to be placed. This room would be one example...the baby's room.

I'm pretty in love with all those built-ins...although, not so much with the wall color behind them. THAT, however, leads me into this week's project...my first project, in fact.

Let's see what we can do...


  1. I can't wait to see the final product!!!

  2. those built-in shelves are fabulous!

  3. I already peeked at the after post and love what you did!!! I wanted to be annoying though and comment that there are better things than giving old stuff to goodwill. The CEO/pres of good will and other higher ups make an obscene an amount of money (as a not for profit nonetheless) because millions give them stuff for free! Better to donate to Purple Heart, or other truly humanitarian organizations. Okay, getting off soapbox to go read more of this inspiring blog!


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