
WHAT I'M WORKIN' WITH: the craft room.

Although I'm not quite done with Gram's room, I've gotta keep truckin'. So, off to the next room.
This was the picture I took before we moved in. She had it pretty cute, I thought...but you can see how tiny it is...

We don't need another bedroom currently, so it made more sense to make it a craft room.

This is where it stands now.
We painted it white (no surprises there), and I've only just begun on placing all the stuff.

There's so much still to do...but the very thought of having my own little space makes me beside myself!


  1. How wonderful, shelves and a closet too! Can't wait to see what you come up with for this room. :)

    1. All the shelves in this house are a bit overwhelming- I'll admit! But, I'll get there at some point!! :)


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