
A Christmas Mantel

If you've been following along for a while, then you recognize the record artwork from last year . . . only I've added a new flashing wreath.  I'm in love with those old school big bulbs and was most pleased to find a few strands at the thrift store for $1 a piece.  Two small strands fit perfectly on the wire wreath I found at Carolina Pottery for only 5 bucks.

Even better . . . every morning that Ross and I come downstairs, her eyes light up and she screams, "Lights! Lights!"  It's nice to know that a one year old can appreciate decorating just as much as I do . . . *smile*

Linked up to: Nifty Thrifty Things, C.R.A.F.T. , Homemaker on a Dime, Making the World Cuter, Everything Under the Moon, The Girl Creative, Lines Across my Face, Centsational GirlSassy Sites, A La ModeChef in Training, Not Just a Housewife, Sugarbee CraftsThe Thrifty Home, JAQS StudioBlue Cricket Design, Uncommon, Clean & ScentsibleOrganize & Decorate Everything, Someday Crafts, Bacon TimeSouthern Lovely, 733, The Artsy Girl ConnectionHouse of Hepworths, Mess for Less, Saved By Love CreationsBetween U and Me, The Shabby Creek Cottage, The Crafty Nest, Sassy Sites, Finding Fabulous, Nifty Thrifty Things, Everything Under the Moon, Design Dazzle, Ninth & Bird, Funky Junk Interiors, Too Much Time On My Hands, Tatertots & Jello


  1. I absolutely love the idea of displaying Christmas covers from old LPs. What a treasure!

  2. For the rest of my life I will be looking for old Christmas albums! What a great idea!!

  3. Lawrence Welk....love it!

  4. Awesome job on the stockings and mantle!! Your tree is adorable. I love the peace signs!

  5. Well done! You did good! :)
    Corine :D

  6. Hello Holly,
    I am your newest follower. I hopped over from Vicky’s blog hop with Mess For Less. The old Christmas records look amazing on display, such a creative idea.
    Smiles, Paula

  7. I think *I* am actually your newest follower! ;) Love the album art piece. So much. As in I am now going to start my collection for next year.

    Beautiful blog!!

  8. I absolutely love the record albums! what an awesome idea!

  9. what an adorable idea. I totally have to steal some of my mom's albums now.


  10. This is great! That wreath is perfect, it doesn't over power the records but adds the right about bling.
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  11. I love your colorful mantel and tree! I'm also a sucker for those old-fashioned bulbs!

  12. That is the most creative I have seen, and it is SO cool and festive! I love it! Thanks for sharing and for linking up! xoxo shelli

  13. What a great idea!!! This is by far the coolest thing I have seen. So impressed!
    I will share on the cSI Facebook page!

    Love it!

  14. Very cool! Great way to use old albums :)

  15. oh my gosh, those records are such a great idea, and i love the way you have the mantlescape stepped down with the shutters. love this idea!

  16. Come see what I did with some old record covers! Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. Oh! How I wish that I'd thought of this, but very glad that I've seen your version.

    Thank-you so much for joining up to our Pin’Inspiration Thursday Party. Your creativity adds so much to the fun.

    Happy follower, would love if you popped by and grabbed a button :-)

  18. Just stopping by from the tt&j linky party. Love the mantel. Especially those shutters :)

  19. and...i just pinned this and shared it on my Facebook page


  20. I love the idea of using Christmas album covers to decorate. So cool!

  21. Found you via Too Much Time on My Hands. This is great...just the right balance of fun and funky - repurposed and recycled! I'm sharing it with my readers at Blue Velvet Chair...who eat up this kind of stuff.

  22. Found via deck the blogs... This is one of the coolest ideas I've ever seen! Thank you so much for sharing!

  23. Stunning, thanks for sharing and Happy holidays from Bacon Time.

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