
The Dollhouse

You've probably already gathered how ridiculously proud I am of Ross's little dollhouse. (I promise, this is my final post about it!) But, from what I hear, dollhouses are one of those things kids play with for years and years. In fact, my mother-in-law still owns hers...and Ross plays with it everytime we visit. I can only hope that's how it'll be with this one...
Regardless, it sure was fun to decorate! 

Check out all the details in these posts:


  1. *swoon!* Love every bit of it! :)

  2. Oh my word. I love this! My daughter's doll house is a very well built fabulous dollhouse, but it is all white and boring. I am so going to paint it, put "wallpaper" in it, etc. Thanks for the inspiration!! :)

  3. So cute! I just want to shrink down and live inside.

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting!

  4. I'm sad this is your final post on the dollhouse. I have so enjoyed and looked forward to your updates. The birth of your beautiful baby boy held me in anticipation WAY too long! I will never forget the Christmas morning when I woke up to an enormous dollhouse that I later learned my parents decorated themselves. It looked so fancy and complete...like yours, they didn't miss a single detail. I still have it and look forward to updating it for my daughter. Your posts have brought back MANY childhood memories!

  5. I love this so much! I just got so excited by this post. My daughter is 8 months so I'm giving myself two years to buy and complete this dolls house. Ha! One question- I love the dolls you have, are they vintage? Do you happen to know what they are called? They look so familiar but I can't recall a name.

  6. Oh wow, I had the same dolls in my Fischer Price doll house in the early 90s. I wish I still had mine so I could do this for my nieces now!

  7. Thank you so much for your post on the doll house. My girls and I just read all of them. This Christmas they got a doll house that my grandmother made over 30 years ago. It was well made and very heavy duty. It is in great shape and has lots of furniture with it. But it does need a little TLC and updating. We found your posts very helpful and inspiring. Mostly I want to hit the thrift stores now! My girls and I are going to have fun updating our doll house together!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. good site thnks
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