
Frame it.

So, the needlepoint made it up this week in the big girl room. (Turns out I was wrong about calling it embroidery...sorry about that.)
Anyway, it's up along with this sweet, sweet cross-stitch I snagged up some time ago for a couple bucks. The frames I had...and used to be in the old guest room before it became a nursery.

I used Command strips for all of it but one of the large frames. (You know how I love those...)

The verdict is still out on whether or not Ross loves it...as she hasn't made much comment. Any day now...surely. :)


  1. That is positively precious! What a great idea - to put them inside another yellow frame....

    So cheerful & happy looking :)

  2. Well, I love it. Not that that matters, but truly, it's lovely...(:

  3. cool idea, I like it that gives me some ideas


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