
Crazy Easy Reuseable Tracing Mats

I'm thrilled to be a part of a brand new monthly series all about repurposing!! On the first Wednesday of every month, we'll be sharing recycled redos...my favorite! We've even created a new Pinterest board dedicated to all our repurposed, recycled and reused projects!

So, today to kick off our Repurpose, Recycle, Reuse series, I'm going to share with you a CRAZY EASY diy...seriously, anybody could do this, guys.

Wouldn't you know it, I was in the thrift store the other day... *smile* .... and I ran across these old vinyl placemats...4 for $1.

I'm not typically a placemat type of person, so I thought, why not turn them into tracing mats for the kids!

After I measured and drew a few straight lines to help guide me, I wrote the words across the mat using a pencil. Once I liked how it looked, I used a Sharpie to create tracing lines.

I erased the pencil marks and let Ross trace away.
Simple as that!
(And, if you weren't sure, crayon wipes right off of vinyl with a dry paper towel!)

I've even had thoughts of taking these to a restaurant for entertainment purposes.

Wanna check out more from our series???
Be sure to stop by these cools sites:

It All Started With Paint 
Paper Roses

And...Congratulations Mandy Powell!! 
You're the first Pattern Pod giveaway winner!!
Don't forget to comment!! 2 more chances to win by Friday!!


  1. This is such a clever idea! So happy to be repurposing with you!

    :) Linda

    1. Thanks so much! And me too! What great ideas you guys have!!!

  2. Perfect for a restaurant!! :) Bring them to Mexican next time!! :)

  3. I was wondering what these were made out of :) This is a great thing to take to a restaurant for entertainment! ...now off to find some vinyl place mats ;)

  4. I love this idea! Great way to make writing and learning fun! I am so shocked I won the giveaway! I never win anything lol


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