
Valentine's DIY & Pattern Pod Giveaway!!!

I'm so excited to introduce to you PatternPod.com, a new design resource created by textile experts Kristen Dettoni and Geraldine Blanchot! They are making it easy for you to add a little pattern into your home and life that conveys your personal style. You can literally customize anything with a unique pattern.

Their patterns are perfect for anything you'd like to customize to fit your personal style. You can print them off at home to use for DIY projects or paper crafts. Or, using a site like Zazzle or Spoonflower, you can creatively add patterns to pillows, plates, iPhone cases, and basically anything you can think of … the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. You can also use their patterns digitally to enhance your Twitter background, blog or other social media profiles. Check out their Possibilities page for the many ways you can add a little pattern to your life …

I was thrilled to use one of their latest Valentine's patterns to create this fun diy.

All I needed was:
 -my printed Pattern Pod pattern (2 sheets to fit your frame)
 -a frame
 -extra paper

I first created a heart pattern out of a sheet of paper.

I traced the heart pattern on the back of my paper...

and cut it out.

I backed the heart hole with a sheet of scrap paper I already had stashed away.

I cut a strip from the other unused print out...

did some quick folding...

and wrote my verse with a pencil and paint pen.

So simple, right?!?! And so many possibilies with such fun designs!
You too can create this...or any other fun diy using any of Pattern Pod's latest patterns, because they want to give away 3 PATTERNS FOR FREE!! Check out their site, then leave me your email and a comment about which pattern you'd choose if you won!! Three lucky followers will be chosen throughout the week!! (Giveaway ends Friday, 2/7.) How FABULOUS!

Oh! And also, don't forget to check them out here too!


  1. Lovin' pattern 205. Don't know what I would do with it though :) Cute idea! Thanks for the chance to win! katie@misstweedle.com

  2. There are so many great patterns! So hard to choose just one! I love pattern 16! The little bird house pattern would love great as an accent in my dining room! mmp_jep@hotmail.com

  3. Oohh!! I love 175!! I could definitely come up with a use for that. It's so pretty!!


  4. Pattern 195!! Love the colors ;)

  5. 235 is cute :)


  6. Replies
    1. and oops email is alysoncornman@gmail.com

  7. That is so cool. I love it!!!


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