
Fun Find: Thrift Store Shelf

I found this at the Goodwill a couple weeks ago...not completely certain where would go. But for 9 bucks, I thought I'd throw it in the car and ponder over it until we move in. (Less than a week now, by the way!)

I have my thoughts on what I could do...several, in fact.

But what about you?
What would you do?


  1. would probably work in a few places but I immediately saw books. are you painting it? good luck with the move.

    1. I don't know yet...it's hard to say. I have so many projects- but I feel like I can't truly get started until I get in the house! UGH! (and thank you!)

  2. I have the same piece, but not quite as wide. I have been staring at it for quite some time, wondering what to do....I think I just figured it out. Continue to display nick nacks on it, but remove the spindles so as to remove the boxiness of it. Definitely paint it, the dark stain wouldn't work in my house.

    1. Oh! I hadn't even thought of removing spindles! Might be fun!

  3. Oooooh. It is versatile!

    I'd probably suit it to my needs now. I've recently found out that I hate my desk and am trasitioning to my kitchen table (I just work better there). I'm getting rid of the desk, but that means a lot of storage space is gone now. I would use it to store all the randoms from the desk. And probably paint it teal. TEAL EVERYTHING!

  4. I just saw a piece like this at a home I adored and it was painted TEAL! The girl had displayed small frames in each whole with nicknacks scattered about. It was hung eye level on the wall, with a small table/desk with benches underneath it.

  5. Neat piece. Hard to tell how tall it is, but would spices work on it? You could do some fun things with paint on those spindles!

    1. Possibly. In fact now that you say that, I found a whole bunch of old spice containers several months back that would look awesome in it...but, I'm afraid our new kitchen won't accommodate for it... Awesome idea, though!

  6. I think it work well for pictures in frames like Bobbi Jo mentioned already or even somehow have pictures clipped to wire strung across the rows. Or something with letters/text. I'd definitely paint, but that's just bc I am not a fan of dark wood usually.

    1. Oh girl, I do love typography. That almost always works, if you ask me! :)

  7. Storage for kids books?? Or maybe in each section you could display pieces from a collection (like vintge cameras, or vintage toys, etc...). Ooohhh, or maybe plant succulents in colorful pots and put one in each section!!

    Cant wait to see what you end up doing!

  8. great piece, I'd use it for storing craft supplies

  9. My mom had one of these in our home when I was little. She used it to display the tea cups my Grandmother would give us from England. I always loved looking at them!

  10. Would your tea cups fit on this? Thats what I would do with it. What a nice way to display them!

  11. Depending on size and stability ( looks older so would be built 'tough'), possibly remove spindles and attach as legs. Paint it a white that can be distressed and cut extra spindles to attach to the side as hanging area (knobs/hooks). Could be put in a bathroom or guest bathroom depending in size and the available room-for towels, accents, and the extra spindles- for hanging towels, robes, whatever extra that won't clutter or take away from beauty. It's a great find. Whatever you do with it, I'm sure it'll be perfect for it's new use. Good luck!

  12. Hang it on the wall and puts books and Knick Knacks and framed photos and vases


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