
Man, I wish I were better at this...

because really, REALLY...I'm awful at it.

I mean, geez.  You'd think after 3 homes now I'd get a grip...

Wall color has never been my thing...especially when you've got to decide every room all at once.

Now granted, I'm only painting a handful of rooms an actual color...but still.

Is it REALLY possible to pick out the most perfect one?
LOOK at all of them!


Thursday: we close.
Thursday: the painters begin.

Right now: I'm hoping for the best...


  1. I do not know the situation of why the walls must be painted immediately but this is often a dilemma if you have no real plan. Lighting in each room will be different throughout the day, therefore, effecting color. Since you cannot be in there before the closing, at different times of day, and live with color boards, moving them around....it is a bit of a pickle. As a color consultant and painter for 23 years, this is what I tell clients -- wait, unless you really know. Maybe you only really know one room? can all the rest be painted a soft white until the future? One reason I am sometimes called in is because rush decisions had to be made and then once moved in and living with them for awhile...they need to be changed because it's really not what the house or the owner wanted. I realize, no one wants to pay to have the house painted twice. Can you move in and live there by any chance and just hold your painters off for a few months? In the meantime, hire a color consultant to work with you? Of course, if you've had success in the past but are just feeling the time stress, then you'll probably be ok...right? ;)

    When I moved into my home I painted the bedroom a really nice fuchsia, 4 times, slightly different. It didn't feel right. I repainted it a turquoise blue. It has fit for me and the house for 9 years. This year it'll change to be a spring/grassy green.

    1. Just thought of something. I think Benjamin Moore has a free 'color your room' (or there must be something on the 'net) where you can upload a picture of the room and apply color to it. If you can get photos of the rooms, that might be a helpful option. Even if you are not using BM as a paint, it can be color matched by another paint company, or use it to give you an idea and then find a chip you like that is in that color range.

    2. How kind of you to share your expertise! I totally agree that colors change with the natural light of the day and sometimes, living with a color is the best way to make the best choice.
      Having too many choices is not good, either. Call me boring, but I love a white/eggshell/cream whatever background and let the furnishings and wall pieces do the talking.

      Good luck!

    3. Thank you so much! I appreicate your help! I'll admit, most of the house WILL be white...and only just a few rooms will be a color. It's honestly not a lot of wall space either in those rooms...so I guess I shouldn't stress myself out too terribly much. And really, it wouldn't be a big deal to repaint those spaces myself if I hated them...but it would be nice to have it right the first time! We have a few hours before the painters come in after closing...so I'm hopeful I'll be able to make my final decisions then! Thanks again!! Really great advice!

  2. I felt the exact same way when I was picking out colours (as a first time home buyer). It can be so overwhelming! For our open concept area- I used pinterest to help guide me with colours that flowed. From there, It took pictures of all the rooms that needed paint, and bought them to the paint store. I had the sales associate assist me in putting together some "collections" of colours that worked well together. Bring home lots of paint samples and purchase some as well. It always help if you paint some wood and carry it around the room to see how the light reflects off the colours @ different times of time. It will also help you determine whether you can actual live with that colour. Sometimes little swatches look VERY different once painted. I know it can seem like a daunting task- but you can remind yourself, its not permanent. So if you hate it- it can always be changed. Best of luck! Can't wait to see what you selected :)

    1. You're so right! I agree completely! Thanks for taking the time to help!


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