
Thrift Store Catch-All

Well, while all of you are probably preparing for the Fourth, I'm still organizing and unloading things around here.  In the midst of organizing here at the new house, I realized I didn't have a place for keys and such.  Laying them on the counter almost completely does me in...and unfortuantely I don't have a spot for my trusty, old catch-all shutter from the other house...
So...in comes this month's RRR project!

I found THIS for, you got it...a dollar.

I have to admit, I liked it just the way it was a lot...but I think for the particular space I'm putting it, it needed a splash of color.

After I sprayed it, I traced back over the writing (that I could still see under the paint) with a white, fine tip paint pen.

It's hard to tell from this picture, but I lightly hand sanded it around the edges...just to rough it up a bit.
It seemed a little more appropriate like that. :)

There's still much to do around here...but I'll get there.
At some point.

Okay! Now go check out all the other fun RRR projects!

1 comment:

  1. What a steal! Your makeover looks great - love the color you chose!


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