
The Old Flea Market Ladder

Remember this?

Here it sits.

Goodness, I love old ladders.

I linked this up to:

Southern Hospitality
Pin It Now!


  1. I got an old heavy metal ladder this weekend. Will post it soon, but not sure now that I have it home where it will end up. How did you get that stuff to balance on the rungs?


  2. They're pretty wide . . . I guess it was luck!
    Looking forward to the post!!

  3. Cool idea! I love it. Love your new layout too :)

  4. I never see old ladders like this when I'm kicking around in a store, I love how you're using it. I Pinned an image of a ladder just like this being used as an alternative Christmas tree (a place to hang ornaments) and come the holidays that would be charming to add something like that along with the books. Very cute.

  5. Ohhhh, I want your ladder! Guess I'll just have to add that to my "to find" list. So cute!

  6. Awesome ladder! When you get the spot in C&B, mention to them that you know us ;)

  7. Okay, love the ladder. Love the vignette. Love the heads up about the C&B scouting opps (wasn't tuned into that ...).

    But, seriously, the writing on the chalkboard!?! How did you get it so perfect? Free-hand? If so I am so very in awe ... and envious!



  8. hello fellow C&B finalist!! love this so much...you have oodles of talent...i bow down to thee.

  9. I've searched your blog looking for info on this chalkboard!!! the design is beautiful! WHere did you find it?!


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