So, I decided to go with grey...grey chalkboard, that is.
I used the same recipe you've all seen before: 1 cup paint and 2 tbsp unsanded grout.
(Which couldn't be easier with Valspar's 1 cup paint samples, by the way.)
And, can I tell you how excited I was to try out my new Paint Brush Covers! Have you seen these??? (Because, you might have... on ABC's "Shark Tank!")
How clever, right?
No cleaning out brushes between coats!
No messy dried up paint left on the brushes!

Once I did all the painting, I "seasoned" the walls by coloring them...then immediately erased them.
This was my outcome.

And, what about those paint covers?
Perfection. In fact, this brush was left in its cover for TWO DAYS, and it still came out just as wet as when I left it!
Ridiculously smart idea.
Go check it out HERE...becuase you won't be dissapointed!
I'm still working on dressing the shelves...but, here's a tiny sneak peek.
(Stay tuned.)

Plastic grocery bags will do the very same as the covers only much much cheaper. My pro painter friends use the bags.
ReplyDeleteOh wow! Thanks! But, I have to say...I was pretty sold on the covers!